Hi! This is Laura with coachmeLaura.com.
Once again, I'd like to share with you some responses for questions I have received about notarization work. And today I want to talk to you about some of the issues we face and when we should say no to a notarization.
As public servants we're commissioned to serve the public for all reasonable and legal requests that are made of us. So what would be the exception? Why would I need to refuse service?
There are some good reasons.
First of all, the request needs to be proper or legal, meaning they meet the requirements of the notarization that they're requesting, like personal appearance, satisfactory evidence of identity, or having a document to be notarized.
So what would cause me to say no? Well, either the signer, or the document, or the notary is being disqualified. Let's just take a look at each of these.
The Signer:
First of all, what if they don't have the ID to meet the identity requirements or personal knowledge in...
Hi, this is Laura with CoachMeLaura.com, and I have something I want to share with you.
I have gotten a lot of questions recently from notaries saying, 'Where do I start?' And that is such a loaded question because there are so many things to do to get a notary business up and running, starting from just getting commissioned to identifying customers to building expertise to developing relationships with your clients. So much going on, it's like, where do I even start with that? So I thought it might be helpful if I gave you an easy peasy business plan.
People say you need a business plan, but you know what? That's a little overwhelming if you've never written one or do you start with that? So here's what I'm going to tell you. I have about seven steps and I've just broken them into small pieces to make it easy for you to answer some questions that will allow you to see your path.
Now I'm going to start with getting you started in the right direction. All...
Hi, this is Laura with CoachMeLaura.com and At Your Service Mobile Notary.
Today I want to chat with you a little bit about general notary appointments. There are questions that you should be thinking of when you get that phone call to take an appointment!
As you know, loan signings are different. You get the documents ahead of time so you know what you have before you get there. The fees are already arranged. You're told who the signer is. Pretty much, you usually get most of the information you need.
When you have a general appointment, meaning somebody from the public who's calling for your service, you may not get everything you need unless you ask. So I have about 10 questions that may apply in any given situation to ensure that one, you don't make a wasted trip, two, you've negotiated the appropriate fee and quoted the appropriate fee for that client. And three, if there's going to be any extra things necessary, like witnesses for signature by mark or credible witnesses...
Hi, this is Laura with Coachmelaura.com.
I am frequently asked questions on different topics that really befuddle notaries! They're not sure how to take care of it! And today, I'd like to talk to you about one that's asked of me frequently and it's how do I handle a foreign language document.
Now, whether you're the public trying to get a document notarized or you're a notary and you're being presented with a document to be notarized, there are some simple rules to follow. Now I will identify Arizona. That state is a little different because their law for notaries explicitly allows them to use translators and it makes the whole thing easier. But for the other 49 States, it's not so clear what you do. So these are the three things I want you to remember.
One is to observe the document for completeness. Are there blank spaces where words belong or are there missing page numbers at the bottom? The signer? it's their job to take care of those blank spaces or missing pages.
The second...
Hi this is Laura with At Your Service Mobile Notary and CoachMeLaura.com and I thought you would like to be part of my journey as I get ready to be sworn in for my fifth commission! I’ll be recording my bond as well as be taking my oath.
I am so excited - this is the fifth time I've done it, but I gotta tell you, every time it really excites me to know that I'm participating in my government and that I'm a public official - and that once again, I'll be serving the public!
Follow me inside and see what one goes through as the process unfolds to be sworn in as a Notary.
(See Video - Verifying the documents, Recording the bond, Taking the oath)
I have officially been sworn in and I have accepted my office as a Notary. This new commission officially starts on Tuesday the thirteenth, as my previous commission does not expire until Monday. I’m so very excited now!
I need to go back and update all of my clients. The signing companies, title companies, all the people who rely...
Hello, I'm Laura Biewer a California Notary and founder of At Your Service Mobile Notary and the mentoring service CoachMeLaura.com.
Last week I spoke to you about being certain the ID that you take meets the requirements of your state. Today, I'm following up with that to talk more about another particular type of ID - that is the REAL ID!
***Full Transcription Below ***
Did you know for notarization, not one state requires the REAL ID? In order to notarize as notaries, we handle IDs every day. For some of us, there's 'suggestions' about the ID to meet satisfactory evidence. For others, there's a little more 'suggestion.'For instance, 'a government issued ID that has a photo and a signature.' And of course for some of us, like California, there's a specific list that has to been named and the ID has to have certain requirements. So depending on where you're at, your requirements will be a little different.
But none of us are REQUIRED to utilize a REAL ID driver's...
Good morning. This is Laura with CoachmeLaura.com and At Your Service Mobile Notary.
Today I want to talk to you about one particular topic called 'Success is in the Details.' The specific area of detail I'd like to talk about today is identification of the signer.
I took care of a loan signing appointment this last weekend and it should have been easy peasy. No problem. It was close to my house. It was a small refinance package - it all looked good. The problem I had, when I got there, is that the ID he handed me, although it was valid and on my list of IDs, did not have all the requirements for that card to be acceptable for notarization. Now I have to say this guy was shocked. He was upset because he purchased his house using that card, and any refinancing as well.
And now here I am, the third notary to come along and I'm telling him no, it wasn't a valid ID to begin with for notarization. And he's probably thinking, well, 'who's telling me the truth? The first two notaries or...
Hi, this is Laura with At Your Service Mobile Notary and CoachMeLaura.com.
I noticed something recently and thought this would be a good thing to share with you. I want to share something I learned about digital assets and the challenge to manage them in case of incapacity or death.
But first, what is a digital asset?
So we might think of somebody's assets as an estate, and we think of our bank accounts, and we think of our real estate, and we might think of our business interests, and all the personal belongings that are in our house. However, most of us are impacted by, or utilize, information that is stored in electronic form.
So digital assets have changed the way we plan and manage what we own! As usual, technology moves faster than the laws to manage it! So a digital asset means ANY type of stored information on ANY kind of device. It includes content that is uploaded to the internet.
For instance, an internet domain name is an electronic asset. Your commercial loyalty...
I'm with CoachMeLaura.com and At Your Service Mobile Notary (www.atyourservicemobilenotary.com). I have been recently posting announcements about my next meetup on Facebook and LinkedIn. Amongst the RSVPs, we're getting lots of questions about 'when will you have a meetup near me in my area?' So I thought it's a good time to explain what a meetup is and how they work.
First of all, a 'meetup' is just a platform - at www.meetup.com - for people who have a common interest to get together on some kind of basis to have fun with that particular topic. And the idea is to use the internet to actually set things up to meet face to face. It's been around probably since the early two thousands. I started my meetup group in 2009. By the way, I started with three, just three people!
Now the first thing I would do is try to find one - find a group - see if there's one already in your area and join it!
There's no cost to join. There is a minimal cost to host it,...
*Partial Transcript Follows, see video for full information*
I am so excited today because I get to do something with you, I feel that I don't get to do very often, which is a one-on-one - just you and me to talk! I love that you're in the position of interviewing somebody - else so now you're in the hot seat and it's a chance for you to share with us some of your thoughts!
What I'd like to do first is introduce myself. My name is Laura and I'm the founder of www.CoachMeLaura.com and At Your Service Mobile Notary.
I've been in this business a long time I have seen quite a few books that have come along to help notaries in one way or another. Many of those authors are notaries themselves but I found when I read yours that it was a little bit different than the others! it wasn't just a technical manual. It really didn't stop at giving some practical ideas or information. It also is only part of what you do - so there's a lot more to you that I'd like to find out about...
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